Stewardship and Finance @ Faith
Proverbs 27:23 "Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds"
The church Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member (with vote) of this committee.
- Under the direction of the Session, administer the church's monetary income and expenses.
- Gather funding requests from all Sessional committees (and other church groups) for budget preparation.
- Prepare and present to the Session in a timely manner, the annual church budget.
- Develop and administer procedures for counting weekly offerings.
- Review the monthly treasurer's report.
- Oversee and implement the annual stewardship program.
- Audit church financial records annually.
- Recommend individuals for check-signing authority to the Session.
- Work with the Session concerning stewardship and commitment within the congregation, financial goals, and other special financial programs.
- Promote continuous stewardship emphasis as well as special seasons of stewardship, including the annual stewardship, according to a schedule directed by the Session.
- Promote gifts to the church in the form of bequests through a subcommittee formed to call attention to the stewardship of accumulated resources.
- Make policy recommendations concerning activities where a fee is charged or which have the making of money as an object.
- Make recommendations concerning polices and fees in regard to the rental of church property.
- Receive and review financial reports from all congregational organizations which maintain bank accounts. This includes having access to records of all financial transactions which might be necessary to conduct such review.
- Prepare an annual budget for the program of the committee, including necessary expenses for accounting services and an annual audit.
- Provide contribution envelopes for the congregation.
- Oversee financial concerns for any special campaigns, building or improvement programs.
- Be responsible for reviewing special causes and recommending their inclusion in the annual budget.
- Read "Church Treasurer and Business Administrator News" (a publication of The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and available online at
- Read "Church Finance Today" (formerly "Church Treasurer Alert!"; a monthly review of accounting, financial, and tax developments affecting churches and clergy) available online at
Faith Presbyterian Church
6309 W. Friendly Ave.
Greensboro, NC 27401
Email: [email protected]
6309 W. Friendly Ave.
Greensboro, NC 27401
Email: [email protected]